Friday, January 31, 2014

A few notes from a former Walmart employee

I'm no longer employed with Walmart (yes, it was my decision) and just wanted to post a few funny pictures that I took there that I had forgotten about. Since they were taken while I was working they are all camera phone pics, so deal with the quality. Oh speaking of, I ordered my new digital camera today! Should be here in about a week.
Hows 'bout we start with some inspiration from Walmart's founder and extremely rich champion of low wages and poor worker treatment, Sam Walton:

First of all, I doubt this is an actual quote. I mean, I know the guy was from Arkansas but I think he'd have the good sense to check his grammar before making this poster. Can you spot the typo? It cracked me up the first time I saw it.
Second, we move on to the fast paced world of milk crates.

That's right. Prohibited by law. So Walmart was in effect saying "fuck the po-lice" by using this in their store. I'm half kidding, here. The real reason they have this warning on them is that evidently these crates cost a lot to make. I've even seen some with "THOU SHALT NOT STEAL" printed on them, which I wish very much I had a picture of. Next  is just some funny shit i saw on a box.

That is quite possibly the best company name in existence. Ever. This was on a case of canned coconut milk.
That's about it. I'm very happy to not be employed there anymore, though I will miss some of the people I worked with. And feel bad for them.

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