Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Spy who came in from the Cold by John LeCarré

I haven't read too many spy novels in my time, but I am a history major so I'm also interested in history stuff. Cold War era espianage sounded pretty interesting also, so I decided to check this book out. It's regarded by many as the best spy novel they've ever read, as said on the cover in the above picture. I haven't finished reading it yet but I'm pretty close and I've enjoyed it pretty well. Basically a British intelligence officer who is close to retirement is pulled into an operation where he makes East German intelligence believe that he wants to defect and give them valuable information. Of course everything doesn't go as planned and there are some hangups that involve the protagonist almost getting killed multiple times. The phrase "out in the cold" is used to describe a spy that is out in the field, to alleviate any confusion about the title. The book also got made into a movie which I intend to watch after I finish reading the book.

The movie came out in 1965 and was nominated for two academy awards. It has a review of 7.6 on IMDB which is pretty good in my understanding. If you are a fan of spy novels or movies, this would be a good one to check out.

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