Friday, April 11, 2014

Yuengling Summer Wheat

Woohoo! Time for summer beers, even though it's still spring. Yuengling makes some damn fine beer and I always like to try their seasonal offerings, of which their bock is my favorite, and it's not easy to find around here. This one is a wheat beer to boot, so I'm expecting it to be pretty good.
If you get this beer, and it is very cold, do yourself a favor and let it warm up for about ten minutes before attempting to drink it or it will be devoid of any flavor whatsoever. If you do have the patience to wait for this sexy beast to come to fruition, then you'll be rewarded with a pretty tasty wheat beer, which tastes like it would be great on a hot day. It's also on the cheap side, my sixer was $6.99 at my local package store. Definitely worth a try.

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