Saturday, July 27, 2013

After Earth

I'm the kind of movie watcher who can be completely sold on watching a movie just from watching a trailer. I'm also someone who grew up in the nineties. So of course I'm at least some measure of a Will Smith fan. I'm not going to rewatch Men in Black while listening to "Miami," but I liked him in Independence Day and I am Legend. Oh, and Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
So when I saw the preview for this movie I wanted to see it. The story has a good premise, that being that a thousand years into the future, Earth was evacuated to another planet in another solar system because all the pollution had all but destroyed the world. Will Smith's character is a general in the military aboard a spaceship bound for some futuristic world when the ship has a run in with an asteroid field and is damaged. The ship makes a crash landing and breaks apart in the process. This particular part is what I wish they hadn't put in the trailer because it's one of the best parts in the movie and if I hadn't seen it in the trailer I wouldn't have expected Will Smith to suddenly get sucked almost completely out of the ship when it broke apart and it would've scared the bajeezus out of me, being so sudden and unexpected.
So the general and his son are the only two survivors of the crash, except for a giant monster in a cage aboard the ship that can sense its enemies by smelling fear. Literally. So from there, there are a few "Oh, come on" moments and there are some "How the hell is that possible?" moments, but this isn't meant to be a realistic movie. To sum it up: Dad & son must find a way to survive the perils of a futuristic Earth uninhabited by humans, in which the climate fluctuates rapidly (the temperatures go from a comfortable temp during the day to below freezing at night, just about everywhere) and there are natural predators everywhere. Son must reach the other part of the ship 100km away to retrieve a distress beacon so they can get rescued.

The rescue, once the beacon is found, happens UNBELIEVABLY FAST. I had a slight issue with this. And also, Will Smith's character by all laws of nature should've died before they were rescued, and I have a feeling the only reason he didn't die was so the story would have a happy ending. Keeping in mind this is a PG-13 movie, I guess I can live with it.
*******END SPOILERS*******

OK, so how is the movie? It's alright. Not great. Not terrible. Somewhere in between. I do feel like the current IMDB rating of 4.9/10 is on the low side, and there are a lot of 2/10 and 3/10 reviews on there that I feel like are unfair. So what's my rating? I'm giving this movie a 6/10. It's not terrible, and there are some good effects. Worth watching.

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