Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Things you would be surprised to know about me

I thought I would take this opportunity to let you in on some things about me you would never believe if you happened to know me in real life. I'm not one for sharing things with those in my day to day life much so I'm seizing the moment to let the real me out even if just in cyberland. So here today are my secret pleasures and other bits of trivia bout me-your trusty blog host.

Favorite cover by an artist I like: Hhhmm, it would probably have to be "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright" as sung by Ke$ha. I know, I know, you're thinking that I'm joking. But first give it a listen. Ke$ha has called her performance on the song an 'emotional purging' and she taps a level of emotionality not usually seen in her more popular songs.

Favorite tv drama: This one's a toughie. I'm going to have to split this into a tie since one's been off the air a while, but the other is still being produced. My favorite oldie show is "Ally McBeal." There was a heart and humor to this show that most other shows just really seem to lack. My lovely girlfriend has seen every episode and has convinced me of its merit. Plus, they also manage to tackle such issues as gay marriage, women's rights, discrimination, etc. My other pick hands down would be "Pretty Little Liars." It gives a glimpse into the inner working of the complexities of the female mind, has shown some lesbian action, and features girls who dress like no girls I ever saw dress at my high school. Plus, I like how one of the girls reminds me of my lovely girlfriend and the ongoing suspense of who is 'A' keeps me tuning in week after week.....

Favorite sitcom: Gotta say "Friends." My girlfriend is a cross between Phoebe and Rachel while I consider myself to be a cross between Chandler and Joey. There's no day so bad that it can't be helped by a "Friends" rerun. It's even better if you eat ramen noodles while you watch (just a tip).

Favorite book: "Les Miserables" by Victor Hugo. Much better than the movie/musical and has much more depth.

Favorite song to listen to when alone in my car: "Starships" by Nicki Minaj. Her energy is infectious and her sound is very unique.

Favorite sweet snack: chocolate chip cookie dough. Straight. Out. Of. The. Package. Nuff said.

Favorite place to shop for things other than beer/alcohol: Target-second would be Publix.

Favorite musical: "Legally Blonde"-don't laugh til you've seen it. The music is incredibly catchy and it has a good story with some unexpected twists.

Favorite movie: "The Notebook" If you haven't seen it (and what guy hasn't-even if just for the woman in his life) you should. It's an incredible story of the love and devotion of a couple that overcame some obstacles to be together and how their love triumphed over adversity in the end.

Favorite beverage (other than beer): Mai Tai-just cause it's so fun to say. C'mon try it.....

Secret appearance trick: hemorrhoid cream. I'm totally serious. It's great for facial wrinkles and works wonders for making my muscles appear more defined. A must for when I haven't been to the gym for a couple of days. If you don't believe me just ask google. You can thank me later.

Favorite magazine: Reader's Digest since I like their jokes and the stories are so inspirational.

Favorite song: "Thrift shop" by Macklemore. Can't help it, besides who doesn't shop at thrift shops nowadays? The economy is so far in the toilet (thanks Mr. President) that you gotta save money somehow.

Favorite channel: Fox News-it really is a shining example of unbiased journalism which is sorely lacking in today's society.

Favorite movie to watch when home alone: Barbie's "The Princess and the Pauper." It's genderbending take on the Mark Twain story and the music is really well written. Plus, one of the main characters reminds me of my lovely girlfriend.

So there you have it. Hope this has helped give you a better glimpse into the mystery that is me.........Until next time..........

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