Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Just a couple quick things...

First, a PSA. Look at this flat of delicious Pepsi products.

Now, why have I brought this large amount of soda products to your attention? These sodas all have one thing in common. They're out of date.
Now you may be saying, "WTF! Soda doesn't have an expiration date!" Ah, but good sir waving your arms and shouting at me it does. The soda companies put that date on there for a reason. Soda goes flat after a while, even if it remains in perfect climate control in an unopened bottle. We have not yet perfected the perfect soda bottle.
I pulled these sodas out of the two front coolers at the store I work at, some were out of date only a few days and were probably still fine to drink, while some had expired in October of last year. Eight months ago.
I say all this to say that I don't want to sell you a flat soda, but if they do happen to slip past my expiration date radar I don't want you to drink a flat soda either. That's like drinking a beer that's been left on my dashboard for six hours on a hot summer day. Okay, maybe not quite that bad but you get the idea.
Don't procrastinate! Check that soda date!

The other thing is...

a free pork & beans talker. While I have no idea what that actually is, free pork & beans. Huzzah!!

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