Sunday, June 9, 2013

So I was thinking...

that maybe I could start a regular non-ramen related blog for all the daily life stuff I deal with and maybe... just a place to vent about things. Nobody may ever read this or take it seriously and that's ok with me. I think of it as more of a mental health exercise where I can flex my literary muscles and just talk about everyday stuff. I guess I'll start with the basics.
I have another blog on blogger, Ramenator which I have had for a few years now. It has been a very fun experience for me and I intend to keep it going despite not having updated it in almost a year.
I'm 27 and I just moved from Birmingham, AL to Dothan, AL which is right on the Alabama/Florida state line. It's a much smaller place and I'm still getting used to it but the whole experience is made better by sharing it with my wonderful girlfriend. I'm currently a sales lead at a Dollar General store and I'm looking to go back to school at Troy University to finish my degree. It's been a dream of mine for a long time to become a teacher and I am about half way there college credit wise. Hopefully I will be able to go back to school for the fall semester!
But enough about me, what the hell is gonna be on this blog? Other than my personal ranting, you can expect posts about:

  • Absolutely glorious beer
  • Food
  • Cats
  • Life
  • Work Frustrations
  • Books
  • Movies
  • Anything else I feel like writing about and if you don't like it you can suck it
So that's it in a nutshell. This is my space to write whatever I feel like. Feel free to read. Feel free to comment. 

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