Sunday, June 9, 2013

On the topic of snacks...

Something I'll be discussing on here quite often is food. There comes that time most days when it's after lunch but before dinner time, or maybe a little before bed, when it's time to have a snack. One of my favorite snack foods is, in all it's glory:

the Big Mama pickled sausage. I've eaten so many of these things I'm sure I'll have a heart attack any minute. But they're just so damn good. So my question is, is this a southern thing? On the few occasions that I've been out of the south I haven't thought to look for them, and it seems unhealthy enough to be a southern snack. It's a flurry of vinegary goodness, with enough snap to make it feel like you're eating actual food. I'll eat one of these over a Slim Jim anytime. But while this yellow vision of deliciousness is fairly easy to find, be sure and watch out for:

I love hot and spicy food, but holy shit these things are like eating a vinegar firebomb. They should come with a warning label on the package that says:

 Yes, it's very true. Who knew a sausage could give you an Oregon Trail style death? Speaking of cholera...

This impostor with a sexy pig on the package tastes like straight up dog food. And before you say anything, yes I have tried it. I needed the money. So in short, beware of possible death and impostors, and snack on!!

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