Monday, February 24, 2014

Battle of the Ambers, Arcade Edition!

I've never had either one of these beers before, or if I have I don't remember. I like amber lagers, Yuengling being one of my favorites. I've seen this Third Shift stuff around for a little while, and I picked up this Point Amber in a sixer the other day so why not put them to the test?

Here's the pour. You'll probably notice the Point beer is a little darker, but what are the other differences?
Well, Third Shift is made by Coors despite being tagged on the bottle "Band of Brewers," is 5.3% ABV and is extremely carbonated. Conversely, the Point beer is not as carbonated, is made by the Stevens Point Brewery in Wisconsin, and is 4.7% ABV. The Point beer also costs more (duh).
The taste is very similar between the two. I had my girlfriend blind taste test them and she came to the same conclusions I did about these.
They both taste somewhat similar to Yuengling to me, my girlfriend says they taste somewhat like Magic Hat 9.
The Point beer tastes a little smoother and has a better overall feel.
I don't usually like super carbonated beer, so I personally like the Point beer better, despite the somewhat lower ABV. So what's the verdict?
Point is the winner in this case, though personally I'll stick to my $10 Yuengling twelve pack over either one of these any day.

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