Friday, February 21, 2014

Kronenbourg 1664

I've never had French beer before, but I imagine a European country with such great food and wine and cheese and Eiffel Towers would make pretty good beer. Kronenbourg is France's #1 selling beer and ranks somewhere around #2 or #3 in the UK. I gotta say I really like the bottle and logo. It just looks so... European.
Anyway, this beer has a almost pilsner-ish taste that is very crisp. I'd call this one an excellent hot day beer, but other than that it's kind of average to me. Not bad by any means, I like it better than Budweiser for sure. Has a similar taste and finish to Pilsner Urquell and Czechvar.

By the way, I have to give props to my girlfriend for coming up with the awesome idea to use some kind of background when I take my pictures. Thanks, baby!

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