Thursday, February 6, 2014

Beer Time: Schneider Weisse Tap 7 Unser Original Hefeweizen

As you can tell I've been on a German beer kick recently and I've been enjoying myself quite a bit. I had seen beers made by Schneider Weisse before but had never had any so thought the Hefeweizen would be a good way to get a feel for their offerings. And damn is it good.
I'm detecting a fairly strong fruit flavor, I wanna say citrus, like oranges. Along with chocolate and a malty finish. This beer is excellent and the only concern I have right now is why did I only buy one?
The store I picked this up at had a variety of other beers made by Schneider Weisse and I'll be sure to pick up some more on my next beer run. I'd drink this one again anytime.

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