Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I've got two midterms tomorrow and another one on Friday. I'm trying to study but I feel like I have ADD and just can't focus on it. Hopefully all will go ok.
My school like a lot of other schools recently started requiring students to either get vaccinated (or prove you already have been) for a lot of diseases, kind of like when you were in elementary school. I had to freaking get re-vaccinated with TWO MMR shots, a TDAP shot, and I had to have a blood test done to prove I've had the chicken pox. Fucking chicken pox! I also had to have a TB test which I understand, but the others are a little ridiculous. I'm not in school to become a doctor or nurse. I feel like it's a conspiracy to suck more money out of students. I sincerely doubt all the great medical minds at UAB are fearing a horrible diphtheria outbreak.

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