Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Schneider Weisse Tap 6 Aventinus

I'm really loving all the different Schneider Weisse beers I've had and Aventinus is no different. It's a wheat doppelbock which to me just sounds delicious since I love wheat beers. There's also the 8.2% wallop this beer is packing, and it doesn't TASTE like many other 8% beers I've had since it's so smooth.
It definitely has some fruit in it, I wanna say bananas and maybe grapes? It's also semi wheaty but not as much as the Brooklyner I had a few weeks ago. I also like the not quite Newcastle dark brown color of this beer and the spices that are there but not overpowering, and are a nice compliment for this beer more than its character in itself. I love this beer and I'd drink it again anytime, and for me that says a lot since I don't usually like the taste of higher ABV beers.

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